Tag Archives: bank

When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money – Oscar Wilde

LoveCurrencyWhat a great email – hopefully it went to lots of bankers, too!

When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money – Oscar Wilde

Dear fellow Money or Artmoney colleague.

We all have heard that: “Money is the Root of all Evil”. In fact, this phrase has its origins in the Bible, which says: “For the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil.”

Somehow Love vanished with the passage of time. But what would happen if Love would return to the equation, and we would start asking ourselves: “What is the Root of All Money?”

Wouldn’t Love be a great answer?! Continue reading

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions

1) Bankers, according to the London Times, launder about 400 billion dollars a year or more in illegal weapons sales. The next time you hear of an African war lord killing families so he can kidnap young boys to become child soldiers and young girls to become child sex slaves, please remember that this could not have happened without the active assistance and cooperation of the bankers and the politicians they own.

2) Bankers told American businessmen that entering World War I would make the Great War last longer which would be good for the United States because it would bankrupt England, France and Germany. Calvin Coolidge on Veterans Day in 1928 said America had lost only 30,000 soldiers during the war but another 100,000 since the war ended. Those men had died of their wounds after the Armistice was signed. Everyone who died after 1915 in WW I died for bankers and Israel.

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Systemic Wall Street fraud

This is one of Brasscheck TV’s excellent videos: the interview with the author of the book The best way to rob a bank is to own one.

And it explains how fraud is the basis for bad loans and ultimately “the crisis”.