Category Archives: Debunking

It’s “media official”: The economic crisis was an ‘inside job’

When the Washington Post publishes The economic crisis was an ‘inside job’, it must be true.

Rejoice in the points that the author makes about the movie Inside Job written and directed by Charles Ferguson.

Money – the economic weapon in financial wars

This is the subject line in my most recent letter to the Business Minsiter The Rt Hon Dr. Vincent Cable.

It links the creation of credit as ‘money’ as the CAUSE with victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression as the EFFECT.

To create money for the compensation of victims of white collar crimes, it suggests that the Treasury could ‘remember’ how to print money and mint coins…

Repudiate This Lie of a Debt!

This is an excellent article that brings together a few important strands of thought:

  1. references to Congressman Ron Paul‘s positive and negative inititatives and limited understanding of the monetary system
  2. a superb quotation from Thomas Edison about the fact that the Nation should print ALL its money; his original article can be found here
  3. a most positive critique of Abraham Lincoln‘s greenbacks in the London Times
  4. a three-point action list for national governments:
  • repudiate this lie of a national or public debt
  • quit selling interest bearing government bonds on the people’s credit
  • print bills on the credit and spend or give them into circulation in the proper amount “to move trade enough to prevent stagnation but not enough to permit speculation”. (Thomas Edison)

See our Early Day Motion “Using the Public Credit”: the first of our list of Early Day Motions since 2002.

And see Green Credit for Green Purposes – our submission to the Treasury Select Committee in 2007.